March 3, 2011

Ideate BIMLink and Door Renumbering

Let’s face it, door renumbering is a pain, particularly if you are trying to correlate the doors numbering scheme to the room numbering scheme. You could renumber your doors one at a time either manually or with the help of a plug-in OR you could do them all at once with Ideate BIMLink. Ideate BIMLink lets you export all the door numbers, and their related TO and FROM ROOM values from Revit into Excel. Once the data is in Excel here are just a few ways the numbers could be modified (all at once):

Automatically update the Door Mark to match the Room number

Use this simple formula, and drag it down the Excel file for all values. Cut and paste the results into your Mark column and you’re ready to go.


Time to execute with Ideate BIMLink: 1 minute

Time saved versus touching each door to modify: # of doors x 5 seconds and then extra time to move from sheet to sheet

NOTE: Revit 2011 and earlier records the “To Room” data based on the initial insertion of the door.

Highlight and Modify Duplicates Easily

Use Excel’s features, like the Highlight Cells Rule to easily spot any duplicate Door Mark values!

Automatically Renumber Doors (and Rooms) for New Levels

Use this simple formula, and drag it down the Excel file for all values. Cut and paste the results into your Mark column and you’re ready to go.


Time to execute with Ideate BIMLink: 1 minute

Time saved versus touching each door to modify: # of doors x 5 seconds and then extra time to move from sheet to sheet

Renumbering is just one of many ways that Ideate BIMLink can save time and reduce painful data management. Learn more at

Glynnis Patterson,
N.C.A.R.B. – Director of Services

Glynnis is a Registered Architect and has worked within the BIM industry since 1998. A graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, she has worked as an architect, educator and construction site manager. Glynnis is currently the Director of Development Services at Ideate, Inc. and continues to work with AEC clients across the nation, developing, and implementing best practices solutions. In her spare time Glynnis is a member of the Morristown Environmental Commission and builds Lego projects.

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